Spring Forest Qigong
There is nothing more empowering than moving your own energy. International Qigong master Chunyi Lin says, “The moment a person chooses to move their own energy, they awaken the healer within them. Every cell in your body is energy. You are an energy being and you can transform your own energy.”
Spring Forest Qigong
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The wise womans' intention is to reconnect us to our sacred purpose by teaching us to seek alignment with the It is not for me to do the alignment for you, only offer you guidance, to be the carrier of The Light as you listen to the whispers of your soul. Yes I will sit here and hold your woes, But remember only long enough to give you a bit of a reprieve and some time to be more open to clarity. But then I will hand them back to you for they are only yours. To heal them for you would be to deny the chance for you to experience the healer within you.
I will exhale a breath of love into your liabilities while holding them, but I will never inhale them, for they are yours to decide what fate beholds them.. To be in line is not a narrow minded venture. Diana ![]() I think it's important to know that you do not have to be perfect to heal others. You do not have to be perfect to be a wise woman. In fact it is our imperfections that make us wiser and stronger. You have healed many without even realizing it. There are others whose world has been lit up by your radiance. You are an important spark to this Divine walk, take the time to honor it. When we sit with intention and pulsate out The Light then you uplift many including yourself. "Heart is Wide Open"
(c) 2016, Danya River Oh Love, I pray that you break my heart so wide open that the whole world falls in. I confess, I've been trying so hard to keep it all out, keep it all out. So Love, I pray that you break my heart so wide open that the whole world falls in. I give up trying so hard to keep it all out, keep it all out. So Love, fill me, breathe me to pieces. Love, I pray that you break my heart so wide open that the whole world falls in. If I'm made for love make me strong enough. And when I need to hide Love, hold me in your grace until I feel safe Then Love, fill me, breathe me to pieces Love, come, fall into my heart It's wide open Dove fly out, and doves come home here, to rest in my heart is wide open, heart is wide open heart is wide open, heart is wide open sweet Love Love, I pray that you break my heart so wide open that the whole world falls in... credits released September 22, 2016 http://music.danyariver.com/track/heart-is-wide-open-free-download Wisdom is not a destination, it is an eternal ongoing journey.
Ever just wake up feeling pissy? I think how last night I reached out to people incapable of expressing their heart but expected them to. Why do I do that?
I have been getting angry with myself lately. It all started rupturing in October. I allowed myself to be pushed to the limits. I lost it, melted down and it festered into a hot lava surging through me until it all exploded out of my being like a fuming volcano. I bellowed and even spit as I released this rage thats been in me for so long.. I was horrified with myself. Didn't eat for days, could hardly function. I thought I ruined everyone's life that witnessed it. The deep pain of baring such darkness. I could not lift myself above it. I preach to look at the situation from an eagles view, but the mouses view was all I could muster. I counsel others to allow this grim entiety within to be exonerated once and for all but I could not reach that compromise. I have since forgiven myself for having limits.. I am not so sure others have forgiven me, but it is my hope they have. This video link explains how we should love our dark side also. https://ancestralmedicinewomen.com/the-dark-side-of-the-human-being/ We are all born with a special medicine to share with others. It is your mission to find that Gift within, that medicine, heal yourself with it first and then share it with your community. Keep your energies clear, the air is thick so practice your grounding right now. Breathe in through your nose, exxhale straight down through your feet into the roots of your soles. I know you have seen this picture many times. That is because it is the basis of all grounding practices starting with breath work. Your purpose is not only about you; it's about what the universe needs at this time; it's about agreements you made before you were even born; it's about how you can best serve humanity; it's about finding the light within and sharing that light with others.
James Weeks/Across The King's River Sometimes the greatest gift you can be given is the total collapse of your world. Some call it a nervous breakdown, or an emotional breakdown, I prefer to regard it as the Dark Knight of the Soul. If you are in the midst of this dark abyss, it is hard to see the beauty in such emotional chaos. But know it is not forever. Yes, I experienced over three years of it. but maybe yours won't be as long. But when you emerge back into the Light, you will be cleansed and restored. It is like a forest fire, devastating but nescessary sometimes. A whole new foundation to plant seeds of love and hope and bringing you back to the authentic you.
I wish you to know that the hardest thing was the need to talk about it but knowing my family and friends were at loss seeing me in such devastation because they loved me. . More so I didnt want to keep burdening them with the same inner rant. over and over. So contact me. I will listen. I will hold sacred space for you as you release the hurts, the sadness, the injustices. I will cry with you. ~ Diana When did I figure out I was empathic?
I entered into a room and sat down into a chair and immediately was overcome with this heart breaking sadness. My heart was in my lower belly, My chest felt totally void. It was so overwhelming I could not focus. The sadness was so deep I could hardly function. It was as if a death had just occured and the grief was more than I could bare. I cried endlessly for weeks and weeks. It wasn't just heart break, it was a fracturing of the Soul. Finding out someone was just in that chair and was told traumatically shocking news regarding someone he loved very much started to make sense and explained so much.. This overwhelming pain and heaviness lasted a very long time. Through energy healers and teachers I learned about empathical ways. I was an emotional absorber. I absorbed his heart break and felt him within me in a strange way for quite some time. We never had contact again but I could feel and experienced his profound grief.. It explained so much of my life. It explained why I became so fragile inside. I could no longer stand up for who I really was, for I was so camoflaged by carrying so many others emotions. The boundaries were non existent. I tried to be bold and strong and stand up and sometimes even defend what was sacred to me, but it was such a chaos of emotions that I did not do it very effectively. It was like I was carrying the heartbreak of all those around me. I was so vulnerable fragments of my soul were coveted for others personal gain. There was a period of time I allowed myself to die outwardly and awaken my robot side to step in for me. The violence and fear could no longer be carried. Some may call this shutting down, some may call it 'a walk in'. It was my only option to survive and to still raise my children Suicide was never an option for my girls needed me to keep the harmony, at least in my mind.. I wanted to take care of them and the robot was stronger than me at that time.. Learning what it means to be empathic and how to live in a world of bullies and charlatans has healed so much for me. The boundaries ares stronger. My soul pieces have been retrieved and melded together and I walk with a fullness, a solidness now. I have returned all the energies of those who do not belong in my essence and have had all the power I gave away, consciously and unconsciously, returned to me. It is a grand feeling. Morning pondering
I tend to be taken aback a little by those who talk about using their empathic traits to read other peoples bullshit, to call them on it and to then walk away boasting in their empathical ability to do this. It seems a lower vibrational way to use this powerful gift. Maybe it is part of a stepping stone, as a protection, not quite ready to use it as a medicine? It is true, sometimes we do have to walk away. There are still a few people I have shared time with in my life that I will never trust again and try to stay out of their energy field totally. But if I have to be close by to them, I fill myself with The Sun and exhale its Light of Joy out. Not so much as protection as just radiating Light into the dark places of those who walk in fear. Distracting those, who are addicted to manipulating and coveting the fragile soul fragments of others, with The Light. A few moments of reprieve maybe, especially for their victims. Maybe as we grow more confident in our Light, more accepting of its strength and healing it becomes easier to share it's medicine. I like to think I have Faith in the Light, but stumble through sometimes too. I think it is important to try and remember The Light is within everyone. Even the bullshitters. We give thanks for all those who are moved, in their lives, to heal and protect the earth, in small ways and in large. Blessings on the composters, the gardeners, the breeders of worms and mushrooms, the soil-builders, those who cleanse the waters and purify the air, all those who clean up the messes others have made. Blessings on those who defend trees and who plant trees, who guard the forests and who renew the forests. Blessings on those who learn to heal the grasslands and renew the streams, on those who prevent erosion, who restore the salmon and the fisheries, who guard the healing herbs and who know the lore of the wild plants. Blessings on those who heal the cities and bring them alive again with excitement and creativity and love. Gratitude and blessings to all who stand against greed, who risk themselves, to those who have bled and been wounded, and to those who have given their lives in service of the earth.
May all the healers of the earth find their own healing. May they be fueled by passionate love for the earth. May they know their fear but not be stopped by fear. May they feel their anger and yet not be ruled by rage. May they honor their grief but not be paralyzed by sorrow. May they transform fear, rage, and grief into compassion and the inspiration to act in service of what they love. May they find the help, the resources, the courage, the luck, the strength, the love, the health, the joy that they need to do the work. May they be in the right place, at the right time, in the right way. May they bring alive a great awakening, open a listening ear to hear the earth's voice, transform imbalance to balance, hate and greed to love. Blessed be the healers of the earth. -Starhawk ![]() For those of us who spent some of our lives as a grave digger. One of my most special ways to spend my days. The peacefulness, the knowing the cemetery boundaries held a sanctuary of a frsgment of the eternal hearts' spirit. And most of all the honor. After the family leaves and we are trustfully left to lower the casket, it was always done with a special reverence and respect. These four years were a huge part in fulfilling my decades long journey of seeking where my Dad went when I lost him as a 12 year old. I now find divine comfort in the ritual and ceremony in transitioning, for all involved. PS: we used jackhammers to break the ice. As we continue with our unfolding you may be noticing a sudden sense of sadness and anxiety overtaking you without warning.
It starts deep in the lower belly and moves upward through each chakra center, through the heart and up out the mouth to be released. I say we because others in the circle are experiencing this also. It is as if a ball of pain is rising up and wanting out. It took me by surprise as I wailed out uncontrollably in unexpected sadness or lashed out with words of angst without warning. A burst of anger. At first it truly scared me. It seemed I had lost control. Once I stopped and followed it physically happening it became clear that this is a necessary purging, a cleansing. And it is a short term emotional heaving when we accept it as such. So go with it, allow the pain, experience the tears, accept the turretical explosion of "Fuck off" . Allow these last niches of pain to be released once and for all. This is what letting go means. You can not let it go through denial or trying to forget it. The feeling once the ball of emotional muck is released is an amazing peaceful feeling. It is important we acknowledge with gratitude this healing and ask for the transmutation of it into a purer form to be quick and harm no one ever again |
![]() Sharing my own experiences in hopes some may sync with your needs and lessons. The hope of this Wise Woman is to remind you to stay connected with the Divine spark within.. Welcome to my beautiful Universe ~ Diana Gulas Self educated in the holistic ways of our ancestors and the Creators offerings.