What's Your StoryWe are in unprecedented times.
Surrounded by social media and yet lonely. Sometimes we just need to talk to someone that is not blood, not emotionally involved. I am offering to you the opportunity to do that. A conversation that is all about you. I am listening "Your story is your power"
Michelle Obama Here is a chance to
"A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector, or a loving transparency.
Your Life is an Epic autobiography...filled with chapters throughout this incarnation thus far. A self viewed biography, a documentary, a work of art waiting to be shared. Telling someone your story will open your eyes to what an extraordinary life you have lived. Telling your story offers:
People start to heal, the moment they feel heard ~ Cheryl Richardson
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Your information will stay private and confidential. Only first name needed.
Contact me
Your information will stay private and confidential. Only first name needed.
Telling your life story may lead you to seeing your life as the epic novel it really is.
Once you realize how extraordinary your chapters are you will want to pass this knowledge on to the Grands, the great Grands. This is a vital part of your Legacy, your family's Legacy. How much more exciting for them to know who their Grandmother or father was, not just read statistics in Family tree book. What his opinions are, why he makes decisions like moving to the other side of the continent, why he took that particular career path, how he felt when he maneuvered his way through life's obstacles and his idea of solutions. The family secret? The family health issues?
Your Legacy is full and profound. You see your life as a disheveled unsorted mess, without rhyme or reason. A jumble of obstacles and decisions tangling and twisting around in your head Totally out of sorts.
Verbally telling your story, if but one chapter, will start a path to healing and bringing clarity to your life. You are a strong person if you made it this far. You will realize how strong you really are once you put things into sorts. You will realize your self worth, the adventures you experienced and how they play into your every chapter including the present chapter.
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My story that led to why I wish to share Sacred Space with you
In 2013 my world experienced a major forest fire. A 30-year marriage ended violently with nothing to fall on but my dream of focusing all my energy on offering a spiritual center. A place for seekers to study and practice the ways of aligning with our soul song. Sadly the center I had hoped, dreamed and planned would be my new life, the catalyst to get on my feet, be independent, was publicly defiled and then coveted by someone I trusted very much, my friend and business partner. Her inappropriate actions dissolved all I had, all I had left from the 30-year marriage. My years of work, and visions, along with the last of my monies. I sunk all my small savings into the place so I came away once again starting with nothing. It truly can take a forest fire, or a brick thrown at you to wake up and move in a better direction. Can you see the pattern? It was time to fix that!
I was at a loss of what to do. I was floundering from it all. The physical and emotional bruisings, the betrayal, were cluttering my mind and my emotions. I was in a vortex of confusion and muck. I reached out to a spiritual counselor. He understood I needed to talk, to tell my story, but also understood I had little money. Mr. Monk (not his real name) offered me the gift to help me sort through it all. He offered me his time, his ears, under one condition ~ I told my story and also handwrote it!
As I verbally expressed my chapters, the unfolding was a powerful discovery. Validating the events in my world allowed me to walk through what I described as The Abyss with my eyes wide open, seeing my way through. Just having someone be a witness to this life mattered.
As I verbally opened this tangled web I called my life to some one who gave me their undivided attention my thoughts cleared, and that which was out of sorts ... sorted.
Once you realize how extraordinary your chapters are you will want to pass this knowledge on to the Grands, the great Grands. This is a vital part of your Legacy, your family's Legacy. How much more exciting for them to know who their Grandmother or father was, not just read statistics in Family tree book. What his opinions are, why he makes decisions like moving to the other side of the continent, why he took that particular career path, how he felt when he maneuvered his way through life's obstacles and his idea of solutions. The family secret? The family health issues?
Your Legacy is full and profound. You see your life as a disheveled unsorted mess, without rhyme or reason. A jumble of obstacles and decisions tangling and twisting around in your head Totally out of sorts.
Verbally telling your story, if but one chapter, will start a path to healing and bringing clarity to your life. You are a strong person if you made it this far. You will realize how strong you really are once you put things into sorts. You will realize your self worth, the adventures you experienced and how they play into your every chapter including the present chapter.
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My story that led to why I wish to share Sacred Space with you
In 2013 my world experienced a major forest fire. A 30-year marriage ended violently with nothing to fall on but my dream of focusing all my energy on offering a spiritual center. A place for seekers to study and practice the ways of aligning with our soul song. Sadly the center I had hoped, dreamed and planned would be my new life, the catalyst to get on my feet, be independent, was publicly defiled and then coveted by someone I trusted very much, my friend and business partner. Her inappropriate actions dissolved all I had, all I had left from the 30-year marriage. My years of work, and visions, along with the last of my monies. I sunk all my small savings into the place so I came away once again starting with nothing. It truly can take a forest fire, or a brick thrown at you to wake up and move in a better direction. Can you see the pattern? It was time to fix that!
I was at a loss of what to do. I was floundering from it all. The physical and emotional bruisings, the betrayal, were cluttering my mind and my emotions. I was in a vortex of confusion and muck. I reached out to a spiritual counselor. He understood I needed to talk, to tell my story, but also understood I had little money. Mr. Monk (not his real name) offered me the gift to help me sort through it all. He offered me his time, his ears, under one condition ~ I told my story and also handwrote it!
As I verbally expressed my chapters, the unfolding was a powerful discovery. Validating the events in my world allowed me to walk through what I described as The Abyss with my eyes wide open, seeing my way through. Just having someone be a witness to this life mattered.
As I verbally opened this tangled web I called my life to some one who gave me their undivided attention my thoughts cleared, and that which was out of sorts ... sorted.
I am a certified minister with no denomination affiliation, an intuitive Elder, Matrirch holding space for you, ready to listen.
Diana L Gulas
Diana L Gulas