Wise Woman Energies
A Spiritual Alchemy
Music ~ Movement ~ Meditation
“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner.
– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner.
Alchemy at it's root, is a transformation of self.
To transform yourself, to find the Gold you truly are is a holy endeavor, and a Wise Woman perceives everything as Sacred.
Wise Woman Energies is a self created means to connect with the Divine.
The intentional movement of energy reaching the state of Goodness and Light.
The honor of being the vessel to Creator's radiant benevolent Light.
Always carrying the blessings with good intentions and absolute Faith.
Wise Woman Energies is the practice of:
Connecting to the Divine,
Staying grounded to Mother Earth
Opening our hearts to receive the Light
All this brings us closer into alignment of our origins.
It has become a ceremony of Grace and healing,
radiating, feeding out to the surrounding field of energy with Joy and Light.
Grace is gratitude, bliss and faith all at once ~ Jason Silva
Spiritual practice or spiritual hygiene is vital to the nourishment of these energies.
The hope of this Wise Woman is to remind you to reconnect with the Divine spark within..
To transform yourself, to find the Gold you truly are is a holy endeavor, and a Wise Woman perceives everything as Sacred.
Wise Woman Energies is a self created means to connect with the Divine.
The intentional movement of energy reaching the state of Goodness and Light.
The honor of being the vessel to Creator's radiant benevolent Light.
Always carrying the blessings with good intentions and absolute Faith.
Wise Woman Energies is the practice of:
Connecting to the Divine,
Staying grounded to Mother Earth
Opening our hearts to receive the Light
All this brings us closer into alignment of our origins.
It has become a ceremony of Grace and healing,
radiating, feeding out to the surrounding field of energy with Joy and Light.
Grace is gratitude, bliss and faith all at once ~ Jason Silva
Spiritual practice or spiritual hygiene is vital to the nourishment of these energies.
The hope of this Wise Woman is to remind you to reconnect with the Divine spark within..
I have self taught my way to discover my inherant energetic spark with the Divine.
Spending much time practicing how to mold and move these energies, to become clearer
My hope is to always reach for the higher road ~ where those wise woman energies reside..
Spending much time practicing how to mold and move these energies, to become clearer
My hope is to always reach for the higher road ~ where those wise woman energies reside..
The moment a person chooses to move their own energy, they awaken the healer within."
-- Chunyi Lin
-- Chunyi Lin
When we turn our backs on our spiritual practice,
our well of soul nourishment runs dry
and can leave us feeling disconnected and uncertain
When we return to our spiritual practice
our hearts become full
our minds become peaceful
and our souls receive the nourishment they most need.
Jackie Stewart
our well of soul nourishment runs dry
and can leave us feeling disconnected and uncertain
When we return to our spiritual practice
our hearts become full
our minds become peaceful
and our souls receive the nourishment they most need.
Jackie Stewart
A spiritual happy hour
through Music ~ Movement ~ Meditation We all have our practices to realign and connect. What works for many including myself is making the practice an enjoyable one. A shared practice of using music and dance to lift the spirits and meditation to quiet the soul, to hear the whispers of the ethers.. |
The Wise Woman
“She Who Sees, Heals and Shows the Way.” The way of the Wise Woman is the way of allowance. She acknowledges and empowers through the perception of everything as sacred. It is Her intention to reconnect us with our sacred purpose by teaching us to seek alignment with the Divine. Only in duality can there be a healer and one healed; established in unity consciousness, the Wise Woman sees us as perfect and shows us how to resonate with that part of us that is already complete. Her ability to recognize is deeply empowering because it is rooted in embodied wisdom; indeed, Her very presence changes those around her. Ariel Spilsbury |
If there is one spiritual practice that is the pinnacle of all I would have to say it is Mindful Breathing.
It is the first step,
the first step to healing.
Slow breathing to become patient
Slow breathing to become mindful
Slow breathing to become centered
Slow breathing to connect
Slow breathing to ground
Slow breathing to calm
Slow breathing to regroup
Slow breathing to enter meditation
Slow breathing to absorb the love...
Slow breathing to reach the height of compassion
Our breath work can be done throughout the day no matter where we are or who we are with. It is the beginning point, the focal point and the connecting point when we do all other practices. Conscious breathing is essential to life. A powerful key to enhancing our lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. The breath moves us into our very center.
The Wise Crone
There once was a wise Crone who wandered the countryside. One day, as she passed near a village, she was approached by a woman who told her of a sick child nearby. She beseeched her to help this child. So the Crone came to the village, and a crowd gathered around her, for such a woman was a rare sight. One woman brought the sick child to her, and she said a prayer over her.
"Do you really think your prayer will help her, when medicine has failed?" yelled a man from the crowd.
"You apparently know nothing of such things!" said the Crone to the man.
The man became very angry with these words and his face grew hot and red. He was about to say something, or perhaps strike out, when the Crone walked over to him and said:
"If one word has such power as to make you so angry and hot, may not another have the power to heal?" And thus, the Crone healed two people that day
."Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are - to heal, to bring into being, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive
"Daphne Rose Kingman"
"Do you really think your prayer will help her, when medicine has failed?" yelled a man from the crowd.
"You apparently know nothing of such things!" said the Crone to the man.
The man became very angry with these words and his face grew hot and red. He was about to say something, or perhaps strike out, when the Crone walked over to him and said:
"If one word has such power as to make you so angry and hot, may not another have the power to heal?" And thus, the Crone healed two people that day
."Language does have the power to change reality. Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are - to heal, to bring into being, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to forgive
"Daphne Rose Kingman"
Wise Women Know
I have known for quite some time that I am here as a Wise Woman. I say this with what is referred to as proper ego or consciousness. That which we are born with, which knows our highest purpose. Wise Women, also known as medicine women, know and nourish The Divine Light we all carry. Wise women are usually the Matriarchs within a family or community. They are also the medicine women that carry the wisdom based on experience and an inner knowingness. We are the oracles of Truth in how we relate to every living thing.
We understand the use of energy as a Life force, a means to connect to the all that is good, and to create and maintain a sacred space. We are sensitive to the ills of the world because we genuinely feel them deep into our core. We have learned how to use our empathic skills as a gift, a way to hold the Light when others are lost in the darkness. We have taught ourselves how to use the energies of connection and grounding for a purer alignment with the Grace of the Universe.
Wise women and wise men are aware of the Divine inner Light and the healing that must be done to remove the layers to reach this Light within and be the conduit to spread all it's radiance out to touch others. We are always a work in progress for we know to heal ourselves is to heal our ancestors and to heal our grandchildren. We are the vessels to healing generations so we may all move closer to a more benevolent realm.
Wise women are generally pacifists, yet we must stand with a fist in righteousness and crossed boundaries. A feat I personally am still working on.
We are all born with a special medicine to share with others. It is your mission to find that Gift within, that medicine, heal yourself with it first and then share it with your community.
I have known for quite some time that I am here as a Wise Woman. I say this with what is referred to as proper ego or consciousness. That which we are born with, which knows our highest purpose. Wise Women, also known as medicine women, know and nourish The Divine Light we all carry. Wise women are usually the Matriarchs within a family or community. They are also the medicine women that carry the wisdom based on experience and an inner knowingness. We are the oracles of Truth in how we relate to every living thing.
We understand the use of energy as a Life force, a means to connect to the all that is good, and to create and maintain a sacred space. We are sensitive to the ills of the world because we genuinely feel them deep into our core. We have learned how to use our empathic skills as a gift, a way to hold the Light when others are lost in the darkness. We have taught ourselves how to use the energies of connection and grounding for a purer alignment with the Grace of the Universe.
Wise women and wise men are aware of the Divine inner Light and the healing that must be done to remove the layers to reach this Light within and be the conduit to spread all it's radiance out to touch others. We are always a work in progress for we know to heal ourselves is to heal our ancestors and to heal our grandchildren. We are the vessels to healing generations so we may all move closer to a more benevolent realm.
Wise women are generally pacifists, yet we must stand with a fist in righteousness and crossed boundaries. A feat I personally am still working on.
We are all born with a special medicine to share with others. It is your mission to find that Gift within, that medicine, heal yourself with it first and then share it with your community.
Spiritual Alchemy requires such faith and trust because it shows that you are serious about becoming a Master over your own life…which since it requires the deepest, most intimate level of letting go, the rewards are invaluable in that they will fill you up with a sense of infinite security. That’s the trick…once you are fully willing to let go of everything…the world is yours.
by Tamara Rant
by Tamara Rant