I do not believe to be Spiritual and walk the path of The Light one must only look at the positive and ignore what is happening around us. That would be denial. Enlightenment is synonymous with awareness, discernment.
Yes we are here to hold A higher Space. We are here at this time to move forward and upward. We are here to be the Trail Blazers, the Guardians, the nurturers of our Village. To be the wise elders who will step up front with courage and use our wisdom, our inner strength. To not allow the injustices and the walking non living enter into our village to pillage. To rise up, righteously thump our staff that connects heaven and earth stating,
"You have no power here!"
At the same time we are to teach our children the ways of the Higher road. That to say anything is the lessor of two evils is unacceptable for it still leads to evil.
We must tend to our health and take care of ourselves ~ for the world needs us aligned with Spirit not beaten down by the generations of false authority, but lifted by the gifts we all have within each of us.
Take care of yourself, your body, your mind and your soul. Get rest to restore, bathe in the forest to quiet the soul, eat only foods of a pure source, be mindful of your breath and nourish your skin with Mother's creations.
May your inner life force be of service. Find that Gift within of The Light and spread your healing medicine.
I do believe we need to do the work to release the layers of that which does not serve the highest road. Our missteps, actions of low vibration and the why's are to be addressed and healed.. It is vital we take responsibility for our part, atone and move forward, always reaching for a more benevolent path This opens us to a clearer alignment, or connection to The Light. We become more opened and sensitive to the whispers of God.
It is an ongoing cleansing, but practicing with our spiritual tools above, we make shorter work of it each time we go. Native American beliefs states, " to heal ourselves we heal seven generations before and seven generations to come. ". So spiritual hygiene is not a selfish act.
Wise Women and Wise Men know that everything that surrounds us is of the Divine
Yes we are here to hold A higher Space. We are here at this time to move forward and upward. We are here to be the Trail Blazers, the Guardians, the nurturers of our Village. To be the wise elders who will step up front with courage and use our wisdom, our inner strength. To not allow the injustices and the walking non living enter into our village to pillage. To rise up, righteously thump our staff that connects heaven and earth stating,
"You have no power here!"
At the same time we are to teach our children the ways of the Higher road. That to say anything is the lessor of two evils is unacceptable for it still leads to evil.
We must tend to our health and take care of ourselves ~ for the world needs us aligned with Spirit not beaten down by the generations of false authority, but lifted by the gifts we all have within each of us.
Take care of yourself, your body, your mind and your soul. Get rest to restore, bathe in the forest to quiet the soul, eat only foods of a pure source, be mindful of your breath and nourish your skin with Mother's creations.
May your inner life force be of service. Find that Gift within of The Light and spread your healing medicine.
I do believe we need to do the work to release the layers of that which does not serve the highest road. Our missteps, actions of low vibration and the why's are to be addressed and healed.. It is vital we take responsibility for our part, atone and move forward, always reaching for a more benevolent path This opens us to a clearer alignment, or connection to The Light. We become more opened and sensitive to the whispers of God.
It is an ongoing cleansing, but practicing with our spiritual tools above, we make shorter work of it each time we go. Native American beliefs states, " to heal ourselves we heal seven generations before and seven generations to come. ". So spiritual hygiene is not a selfish act.
Wise Women and Wise Men know that everything that surrounds us is of the Divine
Insecurity and violence ends when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by mystics of all traditions. A sense of lightness and buoyancy, along with the constant sensation of love, are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretended. ~ James Redfield