Until we accept that being an empath is a Gift we will flounder in its power. We must wield this power wisely and keep up with our daily groundings and centerings. It is imperative we must clear and align before going out of the house each time. Breathe mindfully all day long to remain centered and once we return home cleanse our energy again by either sage just outside our door or a tree to touch (cleanses and grounds us) before entering our homes. It must become second nature. It must be part of our daily ritual like brushing our teeth and putting on clothes.
It is so easy to get bogged down by all the emotions we carry of others. It is so easy to allow it to affect our self esteem when we are not prepared. So your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to take care of this Gift. Nurture it, polish it, keep it well oiled and well honed.
This power is not of the ego but of proper ego, or the knowing this is what we are here for.
It is so easy to get bogged down by all the emotions we carry of others. It is so easy to allow it to affect our self esteem when we are not prepared. So your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to take care of this Gift. Nurture it, polish it, keep it well oiled and well honed.
This power is not of the ego but of proper ego, or the knowing this is what we are here for.