As a Spiritual Alchemist I found Natalie perfectly described what is involved.
"A spiritual alchemist is a person who seeks spiritual direction, spiritual connection, and spiritual growth by embarking on a fearless, joyful, and lifelong path to self-knowledge. Many traditions teach that spiritual connection comes through transcending the self (through meditation, etc.). The underlying premise of spiritual alchemy, however, is that we connect with the divine—and learn to hear the voice of our soul (the part of us that is part of the divine)—through who we are today. Spiritual alchemists are essentially people who yearn to deepen their connection to the “above”—to the divine."
"A spiritual alchemist is a person who seeks spiritual direction, spiritual connection, and spiritual growth by embarking on a fearless, joyful, and lifelong path to self-knowledge. Many traditions teach that spiritual connection comes through transcending the self (through meditation, etc.). The underlying premise of spiritual alchemy, however, is that we connect with the divine—and learn to hear the voice of our soul (the part of us that is part of the divine)—through who we are today. Spiritual alchemists are essentially people who yearn to deepen their connection to the “above”—to the divine."