by Sandra Ingerman
It is so easy to perform spiritual work to own our projections, work through negative states of consciousness, and to shine our light in the world when everything in life is going “right”.
But when true challenges come in it is so interesting to watch how we can lose our focus and fall off the path. I am pretty amazed to read what some people on posting on social media. I know we can do better.
I know many of us are having a really hard time watching all that is going on that effects our environment, human rights, and animal rights.
But this is not the time to lose our focus on our spiritual work. Yes, become activists and donate money to help organizations that are defending our planet and our rights.
Don’t discount the power of spiritual work. And remember that using the principle of oneness and unity consciousness whatever energies we send out to others comes bouncing right back to us and to all who we love. Sending hate is not the solution.
Why not feed yourself, your loved ones, all life on the planet, and the Earth with love right now?
It is time for all of us to hold our focus and a positive vision for all of life.
This is a time of enormous teaching for all of us. We have to remain strong in the midst of so much turbulence. Evolution is occurring. All initiations involve dismemberment, disintegration, illumination, remembering, reconstruction, and re-emergence.
Too many people are getting lost in fearing the disintegration that we forget to stay on the path that leads to illumination.
It is so easy to perform spiritual work to own our projections, work through negative states of consciousness, and to shine our light in the world when everything in life is going “right”.
But when true challenges come in it is so interesting to watch how we can lose our focus and fall off the path. I am pretty amazed to read what some people on posting on social media. I know we can do better.
I know many of us are having a really hard time watching all that is going on that effects our environment, human rights, and animal rights.
But this is not the time to lose our focus on our spiritual work. Yes, become activists and donate money to help organizations that are defending our planet and our rights.
Don’t discount the power of spiritual work. And remember that using the principle of oneness and unity consciousness whatever energies we send out to others comes bouncing right back to us and to all who we love. Sending hate is not the solution.
Why not feed yourself, your loved ones, all life on the planet, and the Earth with love right now?
It is time for all of us to hold our focus and a positive vision for all of life.
This is a time of enormous teaching for all of us. We have to remain strong in the midst of so much turbulence. Evolution is occurring. All initiations involve dismemberment, disintegration, illumination, remembering, reconstruction, and re-emergence.
Too many people are getting lost in fearing the disintegration that we forget to stay on the path that leads to illumination.