Still reading up on Sandra Ingerman's work and wisdom. I love her simplicity and her strong connection to The Light within all of us. Here is a meditation to practice. Begin to practice with letting your light shine through you. And next practice breathing in light and breathing out light throughout the day.
"You can begin to get in touch with your true nature which is light by putting on some relaxing soothing music and allow yourself to get into a quiet place. Take some deep breaths bringing you to a centered place where you will be able to experience a state of harmony and love. Allow yourself to go inside holding the intention that you want to experience the light that shines within your being. This will bring you into a state of union with your creator or the power of the universe. Keep your focus and concentrate on your intention. Allow your imagination to help you feel and see your internal light. Give yourself permission to let your light shine fully through you. This light is always there and cannot be used up. The capacity to share your light and be filled by it yourself is endless. Your light cannot be destroyed or taken from you. You do not have to worry about becoming depleted, as the source of this light is always abundant. "
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"You can begin to get in touch with your true nature which is light by putting on some relaxing soothing music and allow yourself to get into a quiet place. Take some deep breaths bringing you to a centered place where you will be able to experience a state of harmony and love. Allow yourself to go inside holding the intention that you want to experience the light that shines within your being. This will bring you into a state of union with your creator or the power of the universe. Keep your focus and concentrate on your intention. Allow your imagination to help you feel and see your internal light. Give yourself permission to let your light shine fully through you. This light is always there and cannot be used up. The capacity to share your light and be filled by it yourself is endless. Your light cannot be destroyed or taken from you. You do not have to worry about becoming depleted, as the source of this light is always abundant. "
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