The way we walk into someone elses space defines how they will receive you. We must enter first with the intent to be trusted. To make sure they first feel safe. To aggresively and loudly push ourselves and our beliefs immediately at someone only puts them in the position to react by putting up their guards and shields in protection. It is disrespectful and intrusive to enter without first knocking.
I recently met a woman who felt she was here to awaken people to her God. She was on a pilgrimage to address to others her one on one conversations with her God for she regarded herself as a disciple within the Christian movement. She felt she had to immediately tell you God talks directly to her and tells her special messages. As I watched peoples reaction to this aggressive approach I witnessed two reactions and both were of people pulling away from her fervish message for they either saw her as delusional or as arrogant.
Do we wish to break a horse or gentle a horse?
In every interaction we have with another our walk or approach into their energy field will decide the fate of our relationship. WE must always be respectful.
I recently met a woman who felt she was here to awaken people to her God. She was on a pilgrimage to address to others her one on one conversations with her God for she regarded herself as a disciple within the Christian movement. She felt she had to immediately tell you God talks directly to her and tells her special messages. As I watched peoples reaction to this aggressive approach I witnessed two reactions and both were of people pulling away from her fervish message for they either saw her as delusional or as arrogant.
Do we wish to break a horse or gentle a horse?
In every interaction we have with another our walk or approach into their energy field will decide the fate of our relationship. WE must always be respectful.